If you want to see how Thingsee data looks in a real use-case, then follow the instructions below to connect to our open MQTT data-stream. This stream is coming from our office sensors, and every sensor and its use-case is explained below.
If you can’t use MQTT and need to get the data to your own API, then just make a simple script that connects to the live MQTT data stream and pushes everything e.g. to your own REST API as is. Do not change the payload, so that your endpoint gets the data as it would have been send directly from Thingsee OPERATIONS CLOUD.
Connect to open MQTT data
Use your preferred MQTT client to connect to mqtt broker
URL : live-data.haltian.com
Port : 1883
Password : none
Topic : cloudext/json/pr/fi/office/#
mosquitto_sub -h live-data.haltian.com -p 1883 -t cloudext/json/pr/fi/office/#
You can subscribe to a specific sensor device by using topic cloudext/json/pr/fi/office/{tuid}/# where tuid is sensor unique identifier as described in demo use cases below.
No authentication required. Just make sure that you use randomized MQTT client id so that it doesn’t overlap with other connected users.
All published messages follows Thingsee Message specifications.
Demo use cases
Hand towel dispenser (XXXX04E2E84100933)
This hand towel dispenser is in Haltian Unisex toilet. Measuring the distance from dispenser roof to paper surface. Sensor is not connected to cleaner app so dispenser is filled when cleaner visits the toilet daily.
Data | Description |
tsmId 17100 with dist value of 30mm | Full |
tsmId 17100 with dist value of 400mm | Empty |

Paper dispenser (XXXX04E2E85000100)
Toilet paper dispenser in Haltian Unisex toilet. Measuring the distance from dispenser roof to paper roll surface. Sensor is not connected to cleaner app so dispenser is filled when cleaner visits the toilet daily.
Data | Description |
tsmId 17100 with dist value 15mm | Full |
tsmId 17100 with dist value 75mm | Empty |

Environment (TSPD04ESY93100802)
Environment sensor in Haltian office at CEO’s office door. Measuring temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, accelerometer door switch and battery level.
Data | Description |
tsmId 12100 with temp property | Temperature in °C |
tsmId 12100 with humd property | Humidity % |
tsmId 12100 with airp property | Barometric pressure hPa |
tsmId 12101 with hall property | State of the door switch |
tsmId 12101 with hallCount property | Count of changes since last reported value |

Visitor counter (TSPR04E2O90201558)

Haltian Unisex toilet visitor counter. Counts movements when someone enter and exit from toilet in one minute interval. Actual amount of visitors is the total movement count divided by two.
Data | Description |
tsmId 13100 with moveCount property | Count of detected movement since last reported value |

Airquality (TSAR01EWI02500568)
ThingseeAIR sensor in a meeting room at Haltian office. Measures temperature, humidity, pressure, carbondioxide and TVOC (total volatile organic compounds) in room. Sensor is installed ~1,8m height. From Carbondioxide value it’s easy to see when there are people long time inside the room – CO2 levels will rise if air conditioning is not able to get enough fresh air into room.

Occupancy data (TSPR04E2P01600207)

ThingseePRESENCE sensor in Haltian Office showing when the desk is occupied. The sensor sends message 2100 and “state” inside it. Value ‘0’ means the sensor area is not occupied and Value ‘1’ means the area is occupied.
Thingsee COUNT (TSAP01EWL14500663)

The sensor tracks people and their direction when they pass by the sensor.
Meant to be used counting the people in the office or in the meeting room.
It is installed above the door with a special bracket. The direction can be configured
The sensor is based on Thingsee BEAM, but it's powered from an external source via a USB connector.
Example Thingsee COUNT sensor is in Haltian Office working area showing the number of people going IN and OUT of the specific office and also total IN and OUT values.
The sensor sends message 13103 with “in”, “out”, “totalIn” and “totalOut” values.